Fallout 4 Spouse Alive

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Nora is the wife of Nate, living in Sanctuary Hills in 2077. She is the template for creating a female character. It just occurred to me that there is a way the sole survior's spouse may yet be alive.if you notice her/his pod still has lights inside and can still be opened unlike all the others and when reading the status on the state of all the pods her/his says 'unknown' while all the others say 'deceased'. Not only do they wake up alone in an unknown place, but they’ve also lost their son, and their spouse is too dead to help them find him in any way.With the addition of the Nora Spouse Companion mod, Fallout 4 can become a game about family and the lengths a loving couple is willing to go to stay together and take back their son.Or, you know if you decided to play a female Sole Survivor it.

Fallout 4 spouse alive 4
Biography and appearance
Playable character
LocationSanctuary Hills
Vault 111
FamilyNate (husband)
Shaun (son)
Dialogue FileNora's dialogue
Base ID00000000Ref ID00000000
ActorCourtenay Taylor

Nora is the wife of Nate, living in Sanctuary Hills in 2077. She is the template for creating a female character.

  • 1Background
  • 2Interactions with the player character



A Juris Doctor graduate of the Suffolk County School of Law,[1] Nora married Nate and had a son, Shaun, within a year of the war. On October 23, 2077, a Vault-Tec salesman spoke to the family and confirmed their spot in Vault 111. Fortunately, he arrived in the nick of time: moments later, a newscaster reported that nuclear detonations had been confirmed in the United States, and warned the Boston area of the looming destruction. Nate, Nora and Shaun, along with all those who had signed up for Vault residency, all rushed to Vault 111 and become trapped above the Vault as a warhead, launched by the Yangtze-31, hit the region.

Out of time

Fallout 4 Spouse Alive 4

Upon arrival in the Vault, Nora was ushered into a Vault 111 jumpsuit, and into a 'decontamination chamber'. In reality, Vault 111 was a Vault-Tec experiment to study the long term effects of suspended animation on unaware subjects.[2] Although the staff mutinied and the Vault was left abandoned for decades, Nate, Nora, and Shaun were unfrozen in 2227 by one Conrad Kellogg, under the orders of The Institute.

Death (optional)

Despite a short struggle, Nate/Nora was shot dead by Kellogg and left in their cryo-chamber to rot, leaving the survivor spouse-less.[3]

Welcome Home

After leaving Vault 111, they returned to their former abode, finding their robot, Codsworth, left in his perceptual jovial state for the last 210 years. After quickly searching the neighborhood, Codsworth recommends Concord as the next best place to find Shaun.

Section needed (References - dialogue file needed and household appliances checked for dialogue: Accomplishments, Relationship with each other, lost dog)
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Interactions with the player character

Interactions overview

This character has no special interactions.


  • If Nora is selected to be the Sole Survivor, then the player chooses her name, appearance, and SPECIAL stats.
  • Nora's appearance can be customized during character creation, regardless of your selection of who to play.


Nora appears only in Fallout 4.


  • Nora's doctorate on the wall of her home in 2077.


  1. Lookout: 'Scanning. Scanning. Accessing pre-war records. Record found. Driver's License S91328862. Lawyer. Ahoy there, citizen. You are hereby conscripted into the Congressional Army.'
    The Sole Survivor: 'You're doing what? You don't have the authority to do that.'
    Lookout: 'We are in desperate times, madame. Proclomation 22 allows all crew members to conscript citizens for the war effort. The captain requests your presence on the bridge. At the double quick, madame.'
    (Lookout's dialogue)
    Note: only if the player character is a female Sole Survivor.
  2. See Vault 111 for details.
  3. Dependent on player character.
FalloutVault Dweller ·Max Stone ·Albert Cole ·Natalia Dubrovhsky ·Arnold Black ·Barney Black ·Tanya MacMillen ·Frank Charles Luciano
Fallout 2Chosen One ·Chitsa ·Mingan ·Narg
Fallout 3Lone Wanderer ·Ralph Peabody ·Davey MacDonald ·Mavis Quackenbush ·Bob (Last Name Withheld) ·Porkchops The Fish Lady ·Nostrildamus
Fallout: New VegasCourier ·Basil Crowcross ·Wyatt Pinkerton ·Elizabeth Fortunate-Bradley ·Eulogy Smith ·Gary 666 ·Edgar Wellington III ·Samuel McDonald ·Anthea Littlehorn ·Opie Moriarty ·Michael Falin ·Gordon Cram-say ·Billie DeLoria ·Albert Tenpenny
Fallout 4Sole Survivor (Nate ·Nora)
Fallout 76Residents
Fallout TacticsWarrior ·Mick ·Snake ·Peter ·Betty ·Wilma
Fallout: BoSInitiate ·Cain ·Cyrus ·Nadia ·Patty ·Rhombus ·Vault Dweller
Italics denote characters listed in official strategy guides
CharactersPre-WarSole Survivor (Nate ·Nora) ·Codsworth ·Shaun ·Mr. Able ·Mrs. Able ·Baker ·DiPietro ·Mrs. Rosa ·Rosa's son ·Jahani ·Russell ·Mr. Whitfield ·Mrs. Whitfield ·Mr. Smith ·Neighbor ·Soldier
Post-WarPreston Garvey ·Jun Long ·Marcy Long ·Mama Murphy ·Sturges ·Settler ·Provisioner ·Trashcan Carla
QuestsMainWar Never Changes ·Out of Time
SideSanctuary ·Taking Point: (location) ·Raider Troubles at (location)
LocationsHouse of Tomorrow ·Root cellar

Fallout 4 Spouse Alive 4

CharactersSole Survivor (Nate ·Nora) ·Mrs. Callahan ·Mr. Callahan ·Mr. Able ·Mrs. Able ·Shaun ·Mr. Russell ·Mr. DiPietro ·Cindy Cofran ·Mrs. Whitfield ·Mrs. Cofran ·Mr. Whitfield ·Mr. Cofran ·Stanley ·Nordhagen ·Overseer (Vault 111) ·Vault-Tec staff ·Vault-Tec security ·Vault-Tec scientist ·Vault-Tec doctor ·Neighbor
QuestsOut of Time ·War Never Changes
OtherVault 111 jumpsuit ·Vault 111 jumpsuit – new ·Vault 111 security armor ·Cryolater
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